How to Make a Flint and Steel Fire

Watch this video extension to see how to make a flint and steel fire.

If you are reading along in History of the West with Jemmey Fletcher; Shinin’ Times, you know that making fire on the frontier was an essential skill. Jemmey and Blackburn need a fire in the worst way and they don’t have any matches, a lighter, or fire starter like we would. So how did they get the fire going? If you are unfamiliar with the flint and steel method watch this video extension to better understand 19th century fire starting technology.

After watching the video, hopefully you have a better sense of life on the American frontier. Perhaps it may also inspire you to try this historical skill out for yourself. Doing history really is the best way of learning history. If you are interested, here is a link to one kit on Amazon that might help you get started.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and hopefully watch the video. If you liked the content subscribe to our website below for new product updates, or subscribe to our blog if you want updates when a new blog post is published. Also, be sure and check out History of the West with Jemmey Fletcher: Shinin’ Times.


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